What a strange question. Although I know that it came from me in a conversation between Maria and me. We wondered this because our bodies feel so annoying with here and there aches, cramps, fears and so on. The feeling of getting older in and as my/our body is becoming more and more palpable and visible.
I believe in Life, but what exactly is that? I wonder what my body could look like with my belief in Life. Right now I’m going along with the mass feeling and identification with what a body is or what I think my body should look like. Of course I think my body should look like thin, tall, beautiful, eternally young, strong, intelligent, smooth-moving, capable of everything. Quite a big job with our current awareness of what Life is.
With this above it becomes a bit more clear how our view of our body and our view of life are connected. When I want my body in a way that I don’t experience or see in the mirror, I blame myself and therefore life. You may not be aware of this, but try to feel what effect it has on your Life if you expect your body to meet the ‘demands’ of yourself and society. Our body is made up of mass, this mass is what we experience as life. In this way, our mass is experienced as a body when we identify with it. Here our body is equal to Life. If we want to experience a difference in our body and in our lives, it is important that we change the identification with our body. Our body is made up of memories, experiences, assumptions, ideas, desires, addictions and wishes. This gives a specific mass and therefore a specific weight and appearance.
How we experience our body is similar to how we experience life. When there IN us is a permanent movement / desire for the origin of life, we can get more space IN us to become more free IN our body. In this way we will experience our life more freely, there will be room to set stored memories in motion, so that the whole of life begins to feel freer. Your body responds to this, although this takes time. Mass once formed in time needs time to reform. And we often don’t allow ourselves this time and try to force our Body and thus our Life. If you now look at the world from this point, you see how we force all of life with everything we want and do.
All the more important to realize again that you may develop Life from within and thus take your body with you in shaping your specific desire to be human. The answer so far is that Life and Body are inextricably linked and you are IN it with your wish. In this way you can form your Life and thus your body with your wish in accordance with the whole of Life. And in this case the whole of Life emanates from your Inner Source of Your Life/Body. The shaping of your body at this time stems from your copying behavior to other bodies in order to survive. In my story we go to the origin of Life to determine your form from there through your Inner wish and thereby honor your life and Life.
There is no difference between our body and our life except where we condemn it and think of it separately. Which has very painful and lonely consequences for everything and everyone.
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