Aquarian Lighthouse: Learn to Live in the Age of Aquarius

On this website you will find answers to questions about a changing world. What is going on in the world, how do we prepare for the future? For people who are longing to create a future in collaboration with our (own) nature and our solar system. Aquarian Lighthouse brings questions to life and aids in the transfer of the consciousness from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, from I to We Live. Provides insight about Time, Eternity, Universe and helps you activate your Light from Within. Come and stay overnight at our visionary Domain; for a retreat with or without inspiring activities, or simply enjoy the peace and space in the beautiful Achterhoek. Feel welcome at Aquarian Lighthouse.

Lessons about the Age of Aquarius

Walk en Talk

Winter programme

Relax and gain insight at our Domain in winter. From 1 October to 24 March, we make our holiday homes available for relaxation and learning. Nice to unwind and reflect in beautiful surroundings. A few days for yourself and at the same time the opportunity to make it an inspiring stay. With our walks, groups, meetings, book reviews and meditations, we have embarked on a new path IN and we will continue to expand and deepen it. We have put together a programme especially for this period. You are not obliged to participate. But of course it is nice to be in contact and in movement with each other. In principle, you will have a room to yourself, unless you want to come with a friend or partner. The afternoons are free. Check our agenda and decide which days are most suitable and inspiring for you. We can wake up (honor) and become aware (hear) of eternal movement, the eternal movement that is already present in the cosmos. We can do this by shaping the details of the Age of Aquarius. With eternal movement we create the HOME that we deeply desire to Live within our being.

Honour and Obey Motion of Eternity

HOME is what we must learn in the Age of Aquarius. I write must to indicate that the age of ‘necessarily not having to’ is hampering our movement. The idea of being free is now strongly challenged. Inner freedom is something you learn by being obedient to your inner truth, the eternal movement.

We can wake(er) up and become aware(er) of eternal movement, the eternal movement that is already present in the cosmos. We can do this by shaping the details of the Aquarian Age. With eternal movement, we create the HOME we deeply desire to LIVE.

What do we need for that?

You probably already have these qualities more or less because it says something about being human. Man is a creative being. How we deal with our creativity is reflected in your family, relatives, friends and ultimately in how the world functions. This is a given (literally). We want to gain awareness and awaken this in the deeper layers of your humanity. We go to cellular level so that you recognize your creativity in all layers and learn to use it consciously.

You can think of it as a continuous reset and expression of your cells as intended for your specific detail. This takes time. The qualities mentioned here, such as courage and the like, also ensure your experience of moving and ordered Life as a whole. Living with a capital letter, because you are part of it yourself.

Learn to Live in the Age of Aquarius and put together your own reflection program

The program we offer is aimed at being able to participate when you need it. The program runs all year round, you can join almost all year round with or without an overnight stay. In the movement of the ordered program with the recurring topics, your consciousness grows. You come to in-depth discoveries and innovative insights. This changes your Life and Life as a whole.

Walk en Talk

Digital walks, just with your own phone. From your home or that beautiful place from which you want to walk. The walks give you relaxation and inspiration. You hear and experience nature and you learn about and from your own nature; being your own human being. What is being human? A healthy person experiences peace and unity with nature and knows how to create a naturally ordered creation.

Overnight stay

Our Domain includes a campsite and a few luxury holiday villas. It can be reached via a nearly kilometer-long dead-end driveway. This ensures the natural silence of the countryside, the rippling river and the beautiful singing birds. Various cycling and hiking trails are directly accessible from our site.

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